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Ready-to-use Documentation Template#

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Information Detail
Subject Ready-to-use documentation template
Version 22.10
Date 2022-08-22
Maintainers ISAsxm

Information concerning this project#

This documentation is developped through the mkdocs OpenSource project.

The theme used is material.

Plugins installed are mkdocs-i18n for translations and mike for versioning.

Pay attention please

Please refer to their official documentation before modify this project.

Project layout#

Home: The English homepage of the documentation (this page is the entry point to the site)

About: The English example page of the items included in the configuration documentation (this page is not translated into French)

Helpful resources#


For full documentation visit

Material theme#

For full documentation visit mkdocs-material


For full documentation visit mkdocs-i18n


For full documentation visit mike